Anatomy and Physiology for Sports
Course Overview
This course overview is important to read before you start your course as it will explain what to do and how to complete your course.
Your tutor is there for any questions that you may have, so do ask if you are unsure of anything.
Course Outline
This is an online course designed to fit around your lifestyle. You can choose to study when and where you want, even studying from the comfort of your own home. This course will give you a thorough understanding of the anatomy and physiology required in sports.
Course Description
Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body whilst Physiology is the study of the body functions.
This Anatomy and Physiology course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the many systems of the human body and how they interact with each other to create what is, the amazing human body.
The Anatomy and Physiology for Sports Course Includes:
- Structural organisation of the human body
- Structure and functions of the Skin
- Structure and functions of the Skeletal System
- Structure and functions of joints
- Structure and functions of the Muscular System
- Structure of the Nervous System
- Structure and functions of the Endocrine System
- Structure and functions of the Cardiovascular System
- Structure and functions of the Respiratory System
- Structure and functions of the Lymphatic System
- Structure and functions of the Digestive System
- Effects of sports massage on the body systems
Course Material
On the learning platform you will find all your course material. This includes the following:
- Course Manual – this is your manual to work from throughout your course.
- Muscles Guide – this is your guide to all the muscles, origins, insertions and actions that you need to learn throughout your course.
- Course Videos – excellent tool for visuals learners.
- Labelling Diagrams – to help you gain a deeper understanding in some areas.
- Lesson Tests – to check your knowledge throughout the course.
- Mock Test – to check your knowledge at the end of the course.
- Supplementary Reading List – information to further your reading and understanding of the subject.
- Study Guide – an easy to follow guide on how to complete your course.
- Home Study Tips – a free booklet to guide you on the best ways to study from home.
- Successful Business Guide – 100 ways to grow your business.
The course will be yours to start in your own time and remember if you have any questions your tutor can be contacted for help.
Course Aims
This course is aimed at providing you with the knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology in the field of sports.
Learning outcomes
This online course will teach you:
Organisation of The Human Body
- The structural organisation of the human body
- The structure of a human cell
- Functions of the human cell
- Different types of human tissue
- Functions of human tissue
The Skin
- The structure and function of Skin
The Skeletal System
- The structure and function of The Skeletal System
- Classification of bone
- Stages of growth and repair
Structure and Function of Joints
- The structure and function of joints
- Joint actions at major joints
- Characteristics of ligaments and tendons
The Muscular System
- Characteristics of types of muscular tissue
- The role of muscles during movement
- Types of muscle contraction
- Principles of muscle contraction
The Nervous System
- The characteristics of nerves
- The structure and function of the nervous system
The Endocrine System
- The structure of the endocrine system
- The role of hormones
- Specific hormones and their actions
The Cardiovascular System
- The structure and function of the Cardiovascular System
- The flow of blood around the Cardiovascular System
- The composition of blood
- Blood pressure
- Factors that may affect blood pressure
The Respiratory System
- The structure and function of the Respiratory System
- Muscles involved in breathing
- Passage of air through the Cardio-Respiratory System
The Lymphatic System
- The structure and function of the Lymphatic System
- The structure of a lymph node
- The location of major lymph nodes
The Digestive System
- The structure and function of the Digestive System
- Digestion and absorption
The Urinary System
- The structure and function of the Urinary System
Effects of Sports Massage on Body Systems
- The physical effects of Sports Massage
- The physiological and neurological effects of Sports Massage
- The psychological effects of Sports Massage
How the Course Works
This online course will allow you to study at your own pace in your own home. You can start it in your own time and complete what you can when you have the time. You will have a year to finish the course and even if you don’t finish it in that time, arrangements can be made.
You will need to complete all lessons. Each lesson involves reading from the course manual and answering some test questions. You can choose if you also want to complete the label diagrams and watch the videos.
Beth Cook, a leading Health and Well-Being Expert and Therapist wrote the course with the student in mind. It is packed with information, videos and tasks to ensure you are learning every step of the way. It is essential that you complete lesson 1 (including the test) before you move onto lesson 2 and so on. There is no need to send any work into Beth, she will be checking your online progress throughout the course.
The final exam consists of a multiple choice paper with 25 questions. You will have 30 minutes to complete this exam. The pass mark for this exam is 50%.
Certificate on Completion
Once you have completed the final exam, you will be awarded with a certificate. Your certificate will be sent in the post within 10 working days of completing your course.
Further Information
For more information about this course, please visit: