The Fusion Massage Diploma is a Diploma in Remedial Massage.
Remedial massage is designed to treat tension in the body so as to alleviate pain and restore movement. Fusion Massage takes the best of the techniques from a whole spectrum of massage styles and combined them into a powerful and effective treatment. We do not only look at where the pain or restriction is – but where that might be ‘held’ within the body and then we work to release that problem from its root. Fusion Massage combined both Eastern and Western understandings of the body, we look at both physical and energetic causes of tension and how to treat both.
There are 4 components to the training.
Part One – Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (A,P&P). Having a good understanding of how the physical body works is critical to being able to safely treat it. We use the ThinkTree level 3 A,P&P course which combined both gaining knowledge of the body and then how to apply that when things go ‘wrong’ and problems occur. This element of the course is delivered online with two supporting course texts. You study this independently in your own time and at your own pace.
Part Two – is a reading pack looking at the history of massage, the massage types around the world and how massage fits into wider understandings of wellness.
Part Three – is the hands on training. This is usually 7 days of intensive training, you will be observing, receiving and practicing the massage on a daily basis. Each day we look at how to treat an area of the body and this builds over the course of the week into you being both confident and competent to give an effective treatment. While we are in Covid times we are delivering this part through blended learning with 6 x 2 hour Zoom sessions and 5 days of hands on. Depending on demand we also run compacted courses where we deliver the same content and hour over longer but less days, also utilizing the evenings to train.
Part Four – this is your case study work where you carry out 15 treatments (of a minimum of one hour each) to friends and family – this is to embed your learning and give you chance to practice before you qualify.
On completion of all elements of the course you will receive your certification and are fully qualified to work in massage and to obtain professional insurance.
E: maureen@fusionmassage.com
T: 07973 890762