
Level 3 Diploma in Bio-Energy Therapy and Healing Course by Holistic Way Academy:

This course is a Level 3 qualification with an accredited diploma in Bio-Energy Therapy and Healing, which contains theories and practice. Apart from practical sessions, which will take place during weekends (or weekdays), the course consists of online theory sessions, including the following modules: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology; Business & Management; Health&Safety.
There is a prerequisite in the form of massage or anatomy level 3.
If a student does not hold this qualification, there is no problem because the ‘Bundle’ described above meets the initial requirements for the course.
During the course, the student will learn about the nature of Bio-Energy Therapy (as a science), about meridians, chakras, and human energy bodies, as well as how to perform readings on bioenergy charts (with the use of a pendulum). In addition, the course elaborates the aura reading techniques, energy healing and energy cleansing procedures.
During practical lessons, the student learns about Bio-Massage and Polarity massage. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to learn how to perform energy streaks and strokes with Mesmer’s energy healing method.
This course also elucidates a holistic aspect of Bio-Energy Therapy.; the student will learn about the whole range of factors that influence the human energy system (in correlation with the central nervous system). If we are going strictly by therapeutic terms, all bio-energy healing will give a physical response (in the form of heat, cold or calmness).

Course Content

Theory Sessions – Online

Apart from practical sessions, which will take place mainly during the weekends, the course consists of online theory sessions, including the following modules: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology; Business&Management; Health&Safety.

The theory sessions can be completed prior to attending any of the practical sessions, or they can be accomplished at the same time when you perform practise.

The theory sessions cover the following topics:

  • Anatomy, Physiology, & Pathology
  • Business & Management
  • Health & Safety
  • History and philosophy of bio energy therapy
  • Benefits of bio energy therapy (physical and psychological)

Practical Sessions – during weekends (optionally weekdays)

Case Studies & Assessments

In order to complete the course, you are required to perform 9 case studies (3 treatments on three different people, each treatment several days ahead).

Upon completion all modules and case studies, you will receive a
Level 3 Diploma in Bio Therapy and Healing Course with the accreditation of Think Tree Hub.

The practical sessions take place over 8 full days. Once the case studies and written assignments have been submitted at the end of the course, there is a final examination. 

Practical sessions include:

  • Introduction to the bio energy therapy (preparation for treatment, client interview, consultation form, therapist posture)
  • Basic techniques of bio energy healing (energy streaks and strokes, Mesmer’s techniques).
  • Bio- massage
  • Polarity Massage
  • Advanced techniques of bio energy healing (vision, energy streaming)
  • Reading on bio energy charts (with pendulum)
  • Aura reading techniques
  • Energy cleansing Techniques
  • Bio Energy Technique (energy work as Therapist)
  • The techniques for dealing with stress (elements of anti-stress therapy – the importance of mindset, anti-inflammatory fatty acids, stretching, etc.)



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