
This Level 3 Diploma in Multi Sensory Baby Development Classes for Babies (0 – 12 months) is the ‘go to’ resource if you want to to set up and run your own baby and parent multi sensory baby development classes


Written by Elizabeth James, The Baby Class Expert, this training has at its heart, The Baby Class Blueprint which evolved through her knowledge and experiences gained over 20 + years working in the early years class industry.  It is a fusion of loving, meaningful music making but also includes movement, baby massage, baby yoga and mindfulness inspired elements.  She has delivered classes for thousands of families using The Baby Class Blueprints and understands exactly how much it is loved by parents and the positive impact it has made on both an individual, family and community level.  Just as importantly for people new to business, she has set up and built two award winning businesses and shares that knowledge, skill and experiences in the course as well.  This is a course that was written using the B.A.B.Y. Method – Business, Action, Blueprint and You.

This Level 3 Diploma course covers everything you need to know about how you can start and run baby classes that support all areas of a baby’s development and maternal wellbeing and includes extensive resources including bespoke music and over 90 ‘done for you’ lesson plans .

Topics covered include

  • What is The Baby Class Blueprint and how to deliver every single segment within in it
  • How can multi sensory baby classes support every area of a baby’s development 0 – 12 months and maternal wellbeing
  • Overview of infant development 0 -12 months
  • How to start a sustainable, authentic beautiful baby class business
  • How to deliver classes with love and confidence and an understanding of the importance of practitioner wellbeing


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