
With 40 years of combined experience as both dental professional and clinical massage therapist Tracey Kiernan’s TMJ Therapy® is a specialised protocol for the relief of the many symptoms of this much misunderstood and debilitating condition. Developed in clinical practice this groundbreaking protocol has been getting people out of pain and restriction for almost 20 years.
Meet Tracey here:

The Advanced Diploma in TMJ Therapy®.

This unique series is made up of three theory and three practical modules which may be taken as stand alone modules for CPD or together as the full qualification.


  • TMJ1 2 days advanced clinical massage for TMJ Therapy®
  • TMJ2 2 days advanced myofascial bodywork for TMJ Therapy®
  • TMJ3 Review and clinical assessment days for TMj Therapy®
  • You are required to have completed TMJ1 before embarking on TM2.
  • The full qualification is open to all. 
  • This blended learning diploma includes Anatomy and Physiology, Health and Safety and Business modules which are completed online to complement the 6 days of practical training. 
  • Professionally qualified therapists will receive APL for the online sections and the course fees will reflect this
  • Please contact Tracey for details
  • We recommend a minimum of three months clinical practice between TMJ1 and TMJ2.

We recommend a minimum of 6 months to complete case studies and home study before attending TMJ3.

Price for the full course is £1485

Price for the practical modules only is £1150


T: 07739694056

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