1st October

Have you planned what you will do to celebrate National Massage Day and promote the power of positive touch yet? Last year over 11,000 people got involved and so this year, let’s make it more. Pro-Touch Awareness Month takes place over the whole of October. It’s being co-ordinated by Liz Badger and her team and is sponsored by the Therapist Business Club and Face The World.

National Massage Day is aimed at raising awareness and sharing experiences that showcase the wonders of massage and hands-on therapies – and ultimately the importance of human touch and connection. It has its own website: http://www.protouchawarenessmonth.co.uk/

What could you do? You could offer massage at a deserving local organisation, or at an event in your community, host an open house at your massage practice, give out information on the health benefits of massage at GPs, social prescribing organisations, health centres, health clubs or similar kinds of places. You could also contact local reporters or broadcasters with stories and demos and get them to cover what you are doing. You might event set up a chair massage in a local café or shopping centre to raise awareness of both yourself and the day and raise some money too for a deserving cause.

If you are offering events where donations are requested, then consider which charities you would like to support and ask them to raise awareness of the Day and your plans for it.

The National Massage Day Facebook group has logos and resources that you can use and download.
Pro-Touch Awareness Month is not just about massage: any therapeutic modality which uses touch is included, so all kinds of healing modalities and techniques can jump on board too.

Founder Liz is also offering a couple of bundles to help you

All of the free 2019 logos, images and downloads are now available on the Facebook page. Do head over and join if not already – and please share the link to the group in your circles in time for this year’s events. There will be Blogs, competitions, Vlogs and Lives and more importantly, therapists all over the UK will be sharing their own events and ways they have celebrated this year! We were blown away by last years’ efforts – from fundraising, charity events, volunteering and “paying it forward” campaigns in communities.

There’s also an on-line platform of expert information – and it’s still all freely available and CPD-approved by Think Tree Hub! This is to raise awareness of the many hands-on, touch and contact therapies there are in our amazing industry and how they can be used to support clients with a multitude of conditions. The general approach to this is informal, relaxed, easy to understand / introductory level and so inclusive of a broad an audience as possible – from members of the public, to therapy students and even existing therapists looking to expand their portfolio.

The content includes videos, podcasts, client testimonials, articles, Blogs and therapy benefits.
Anyone can access, download and share the information – all hosted via clicking on the following link – so please do have a look and share in your circles –

To find out about the generous digital and product bundles Liz is offering to help make the day a success and raise money to support an app/website for the volunteer therapists hub, which includes six months’ free membership of the Therapists Business Club, contact Liz.

Liz Badger: liz@face-the-world.co.uk