Have you ever experienced sexual harassment by clients or potential clients? Do you know therapists who have? Feedback in online forums suggest there is an issue – but no-one has gathered data on it.
This is what we want to do as part of our support to the health and wellbeing industry.
Harassment can take a number of forms – this might be anonymous approaches requesting sexual services with no contact thereafter, to harassment before, during or after a treatment session.
You might remember that last month we provided all members with a social media logo aimed at promoting your qualifications and registration with us, in order to protect the public from unqualified persons seeking to exploit vulnerable potential clients looking for help.
Our campaign now moves into its second phase and that is the safety and wellbeing of therapists.
In order to get a balanced picture of experiences, we have created a survey that we need your help with getting out to a wide audience. The more data we have and the more diverse the therapists who complete it, the more reliable the results will be.
We would like you to share the survey with therapist friends who you KNOW are qualified in their field and who you consider to be professionals. Please help us to snowball the survey, which we intend to run initially for 3 months, as widely as possible!
By working together, we can then compile the results, which we will be sharing with you and all who complete the survey.
From here, we can go on to use the data to make practical recommendations to the industry and to relevant bodies as well. Let’s all make a difference!
Click the link to participate: Practitioner Safety Survey

We hope our initiative will create positive impact for all. It is because we are led by people who actively work in health and wellbeing that we are aware of ongoing issues.
The contribution we, as therapists of all kinds, make to people’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing is increasingly important in the environment in which we all live.
All therapists deserve to operate free of harassment.
With many thanks for your assistance.
ThinkTree Hub Team.