First Joint Virtual Symposium

Join ThinkTree and Massage & Myotherapy Australia this October 27 and 28 to welcome Australian and UK presenters in the inaugural 2023 Virtual Symposium, exploring health and wellbeing. Taking place across two morning (Australia evenings) and six sessions, this interactive symposium will introduce therapists to new concept to help and support clients and therapists’ health and wellbeing across multiple modalities. This is an event that should not be missed, but if you can’t make the live date, register anyway to receive a recording of all six sessions.

Register here: 

Here’s what you’ll be getting:

Visceral Massage – The Missing Link

About Jackie Tann

Jackie has assisted some of Australia’s best athletes, international performers, and weekend warriors get out of pain, stay injury free, and manage their well-being for the last 16 years. A professional dancer for 12 years and a sports fanatic, her knowledge of anatomy and movement mechanics has assisted her in providing specialised massage and movement solutions for optimal performance.

A serial entrepreneur, Jackie is the host of The Bodies Built Better podcast that sees her chat with the world’s leading experts in health, fitness and well-being. She’s also had the privilege of chatting with elite and amateur athletes on the trials and tribulations in the pursuit of greatness.

The heart of her work is centred on impacting lives through connecting with people and helping to improve their physical and/or emotional well-being. ‘My passion for this industry and the positive impact we can have on people’s lives is what drives every aspect of my business, my studies and my personal development and growth.’

How to Calm Down the Digestive System

About Leyla El Moudden

Leyla is a qualified Naturopath, Herbalist Practitioner, specialising in Gut Therapy. She is an industry acknowledged expert in the field of natural health – including – being an Executive committee member of British Ayurvedic Medical Council UK, a Contributing Editor to IHCAN magazine and providing expert advice and training on nutrition to Think Tree Hub, The Association of Naturopathic Practitioners, BANT (British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine), Yes To Life, a cancer charity and multiple media outlets – all on the subject of enzymes. Most practitioners are aware that gut health is critical – but what does that actually mean in real world terms? In this talk we will go through the basics of the digestive system, how to assess where any problems may be arising from, and some simple steps to assist to rectify the problem.

Why Our Thoughts Matter?

About Kate Parish

Kate is a qualified Primary School teacher, Mindfulness and Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner as well as an Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, trained in Understanding Mental Health, Understanding Autism, Challenging Behaviour, Life Coaching and a Growth Mindset advocate with over 20 years’ experience working within the education and training sector. Kate has always been really interested in why some children and adults achieve and why others don’t and all of her wonderings have been answered as she has studied Neuro-linguistic Programming and how we work with our thoughts and emotions.

About Beth Cook

Beth is a qualified teacher with a First-Class Honours degree in Psychology, as well as being an Emotional Freedom Technique and Mindfulness Practitioner, trained in Understanding Mental Health, Life Coaching and a Growth Mindset advocate. Beth is also a qualified Nutritionist and owns her own Wellness company offering wellness advice, health testing and supplements. Beth has been teaching for over 15 years and has written and published many courses and books in the field of health and wellness. Her passion has always been supporting people in being able to live their best lives by taking control over their own overall wellness and mental health.

In this seminar we are going to delve into a discussion about the importance of the thoughts that we have and how these can shape our daily lives, and our future.

We are going to discuss what is happening in our brain and body when we have certain thoughts, and why it is that we may be having them. When our unconscious mind supports our goals and desires, well, we are on to a winner. And we can work with our conscious mind, to override the unconscious mind when we need to, and rewire old connections that may be holding us back. Also discuss ways in which we can work with our thoughts and actually rewire them so that they are working for us in a positive way. And yes, in this section we will also be looking at how positivity can be tiring, and to recognise when we need to give ourselves a break. 

This presentation will show you that our thoughts really do matter, and that, we can take full control of our thoughts when we need to. Our thoughts are hungry and want to grow – but we don’t need to feed them.

Pregnancy Massage – Meeting Multiple Needs and Empowering Women

About Catherine McInerney

Catherine is a pioneering figure in the field of specialised pregnancy, labour, and postnatal massage techniques in Australia. With over 25 years of experience in Women’s Health Massage, she is the Founding Director of Pregnancy Massage Australia® established by Catherine in 2010.

Her vision is to establish massage as an essential component of perinatal care, emphasising the natural and comprehensive approach of the NurtureLife® massage experience, which offers a unique focus on support and therapeutic care. Throughout her career, Catherine’s dedication to expanding her knowledge and expertise has led her to study the therapeutic benefits of massage during pregnancy internationally.

A strong advocate for research in prenatal massage, Catherine has contributed to multiple publications and is committed to furthering research programs, particularly in the perinatal period. Her expertise has led her to present at both international and national conferences and expos.

Catherine’s passion for education has extended to training thousands of massage therapists from across Australia and the Asia Pacific region in her signature NurtureLife® method. This method focuses on supporting women through pregnancy, labour, and the postnatal period with an emphasis on health and wellbeing.

Catherine has also written extensively for industry journals and media publications. Previously, as the owner and director of her own College of Massage Therapy, she delivered Nationally Accredited Training Programs, earning respect from her peers and associates in the industry.

Ayurveda For Menopause

About Dr Deepa Apté

Dr Apté is a medical doctor, Yoga teacher and an Ayurvedic practitioner. She is the founder and director at Ayurveda Pura Ltd. She is also the founder of Ayurveda Pura Academy that trains people to become Ayurvedic practitioners, Ayurvedic therapists and Yoga teachers Dr Deepa is a former external Examiner for a Master’s degree accredited by Middlesex University.

In 2013 she was personally awarded the prestigious Outstanding Achievement Award by CAMExpo, the UK’s leading exhibition provider for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and in 2014 the Outstanding Achievements Award at the APCTC (Association for Professional Coaches, Trainers and Consultants).

She lectures widely on Ayurveda and Yoga (both in the UK and Germany) and regularly writes articles for, and features in, magazines and the press (e.g. ‘Health & Fitness’ magazine, ‘She’ magazine, Holland and Barrett’s ‘Healthy’ magazine and ‘Today’s Therapist’ magazine). After having run successful practices in India and Germany, she now runs her practice from The Ayurveda Pura Health Spa & Beauty Centre, London where she offers Ayurvedic consultations, individual Yoga sessions and workshops.

The Difference Between Lymphoedema and Lipoedema and How We Manage Both

About Susan Butcher

Susan has been a Lymphoedema Accredited Specialist with the Australasian Lymphology Association for 12 years. Working in the health industry for over 20 years. In that time there has been many developments in the way we need to treat and manage Lymphoedema, Lipoedema and Venous Disease. Susan has treated patients with all varying degrees of lymphatic issues and knows firsthand how this effects the body, having a lymphatic dysfunction herself. Her vast knowledge in this field has seen her present abroad and nationally highlighting the changes and awareness required to improve outcomes.

Susan currently heads a team of therapists at The Oedema Institute – a comprehensive, state of the art clinic in Monash Melbourne, purpose built for the treatment and management of oedema associated issues. Leaders in education, treatment and expert fitters of compression and specialty garments.

Susan enjoys working with other health professionals and entities to highlight important issues and factors affecting the way we view Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in the health sector