
Kush Kumar’s career background has been diverse in nature, reflecting versatility, spanning Education/Training, Retail, Health, Wellbeing and SPA therapies sectors, combined with experience of business ownership, leadership and management.

He has written and delivered qualifications for Universities, Awarding Organisations and worked with Ofsted participating in inspections. As well as holds a number of Board Member, Examiner, Trustee (education) and international Speaker roles with professional bodies across the globe. indicating reputation as a business expert and influencer for the health and wellbeing industry.

Dedicated to quality assurance and robust industry standards and practices, therefore he takes a continuous improvement approach to all aspects of work.

This has led him to founding ThinkTree Hub an International Professional Association where he sets, achieves, and maintains high standards, whilst supporting therapists, training and course providers and contributors for the industry of health, fitness , wellbeing and SPA

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